Anxiety & Depression Counselling

Managing anxiety and depression can feel incredibly isolating.

Persistent stress, hopelessness, or difficulties with daily functioning can be overwhelming, but professional therapy offers a path to relief. With personalized and compassionate care, you can build resilience, find balance, and improve your well-being.


Anxiety and depression are common mental health issues that affect many people. Anxiety often involves excessive worry, fear, and physical symptoms like a racing heart or sweating, while depression may include feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest in activities you once enjoyed.

Both conditions can significantly impact your daily functioning, relationships, and overall quality of life.


Constant worry or fear, restlessness or feeling on edge, irritability, muscle tension, difficulty concentrating.

Persistent sadness or emptiness, loss of interest in activities, fatigue or low energy, changes in sleep or appetite, feelings of worthlessness or guilt.


Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Excessive worry about various aspects of life.

Panic Disorder
Recurrent panic attacks and fear of future attacks.

Social Anxiety Disorder
Intense fear of social situations.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviours.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Anxiety following a traumatic event.


Major Depressive Disorder
Persistent sadness and loss of interest.

Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia)
Chronic low-grade depression.

Bipolar Disorder
Alternating periods of depression and mania.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Depression related to seasonal changes.


It can be challenging to know when to seek professional help for anxiety and depression.

Consider reaching out if you experience persistent or worsening symptoms that interfere with your daily life, have difficulty managing stress or emotions, notice significant changes in sleep or appetite, or have thoughts of self-harm or suicide.

Seeking help is a sign of strength and an important step towards healing and recovery.


Therapy offers a safe and supportive space to explore your thoughts and feelings.

It can help you understand the root causes of your anxiety and depression, develop coping strategies and skills to manage symptoms, improve your self-esteem and confidence, enhance your relationships and communication skills, and set and achieve personal and professional goals.

My Approach

I utilize a variety of evidence-based approaches to support your mental health journey:

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): Helps identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviours.

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): Encourages accepting thoughts and feelings while committing to actions aligned with personal values.

  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT): Teaches skills for emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness.

  • Mindfulness Approaches: Techniques to stay present and manage stress.

  • Compassion-Based Therapy: Promotes self-compassion and kindness towards oneself to reduce self-criticism and improve emotional well-being.

Let’s Learn More About Anxiety & Depression

Understanding and managing anxiety and depression is crucial for maintaining mental well-being, especially for young adults.

My blog article provides an in-depth look at the nature of anxiety and depression, common challenges faced by young adults, and effective strategies for coping. Explore my article, Understanding and Managing Anxiety and Depression in Young Adults, to gain valuable insights and practical tips to support your mental health journey.

Ready to take the next step
toward emotional wellness?

Whether you're seeking relief from persistent stress, looking to manage overwhelming emotions, or aiming to improve your overall well-being, therapy for anxiety and depression can provide the support you need.

Schedule a free 15-minute consultation and start your journey towards a healthier, more balanced life. Let's work together to explore your potential and develop a personalized plan to help you achieve your mental health goals.